Saturday, June 2, 2007

The Boy At The House (5)

"I came out of it. I... I fled. But don't tell anybody. Then they'll come and get me and put me there again, I'm sure. I don't want to live there."

Daniel and Dilan look at Richard.

"Okay", says Daniel. "We won't tell anybody. Not today at least", he says and smiles and looks at Dilan. "But again, what was the problem you had?"

"You know, I live by myself out there, but then my uncle came and visited me the other day. The problem is that my uncle is an... idiot."

"Nobody is an idiot", says Daniel.

"No, but he's dangerous."


"Yes, he drinks. Gets drunk. And destroys. He destroys the house and mistreats Bob... He..."

Richard has difficulty to continue. Daniel and Dilan see that he is almost starting to cry. They wait a little.

"Who is Bob? Is that the dog?" says Daniel as soft as he can.

"Yes", says Richard and dries a tear with his dirty fingers.

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